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Magnum Sidra - Anaerobic
Filter 150g

Magnum Sidra - Anaerobic
Filter 150g

Regular price $ 24.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $ 24.00 AUD
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Our pals, brothers Elias and Shady Bayter, have become hot stuff on the specialty coffee producer scene in their short careers. It’s hard to believe but the masterminds behind the Koji fermentation process only began experimenting with natural processing in 2018 - though they’ve wasted no time making a reputation for themselves and their El Vergel Estate as pioneers in the space, known for innovative fermentation techniques and incredible coffee quality. 

This Borbon Sidra was harvested at lush El Vergel Estate on the green slopes of Fresno, Tolima Region in March 2024. The ripe cherry was fermented for 72 hours under anaerobic conditions, with a kick start from the addition of microbe and sugar rich liquid extracted from a fermentation of macerated coffee cherries of a Java variety, a process the Bayter brothers call, “mosto” -  borrowed from the word “must” in winemaking, meaning the pulpy liquid result of crushing whole fresh grapes. Cherries then undergo two distinct stages of drying - the first mechanical stage lasts 48 hours at 40°C and is important for stopping further microbial growth, the second much longer stage takes 18 days on raised beds under natural sunlight - a drying process traditionally used in African natural coffee processing. Next the dried coffee cherries rest for at least 30 days in hermetically sealed bags, before the final stage of milling removes coffee cherries from the green bean.

The result of all this hard work is a unique cup boasting an incredibly distinct, bold, complex flavour profile with more big funky fruit notes than we can count, alongside lively florals and a syrupy smooth body. 


Raspberry Cordial + Banana + Floral


COUNTRY: Colombia
REGION: Fresno, Tolima
VARIETY: Borbon Sidra
PROCESS: 72 Hour Mosto Anaerobic

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